Until now it was only possible to use the Implicit Association Test in the Webbrowser, but now you can test all of your Implicit Associations conveniently in an App.
Wether you are looking for something serious to test yourself for or just something for fun, you will find something fitting!
No registration or login required, which is why the results cannot be connected with your name in any way. Unless you actively choose to share them, nobody but you will be able to see it.
Guided instructions and clear user interface make it easy to navigate the app and complete the Implicit Association Tests.
The Implicit Association Test is based on decades of empirical research, with input from Universities like Harvard, Yale and Cambridge.
The understandable results will give well interpretable insights into the implicit associations and how these can be used.
Implicity will now work together with the help of the Law hub Startup Incubator of the University of Amsterdam towards the next relevant goals and increase its impact.
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