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Implicity - an IAT App

Find out your Stereotypes, Biases and Subconscious Opinions with this App!

Play Store Emblem to link to Implicit Association Test Android AppApp Store Emblem to link to Implicit Association Test IOS App
Screenshot of Implicit Association Test App
Usage and Practical Applcation

Why use Implicity?

Two Smileys representing implicit attitudes

Discover your
Implicit Attitudes!

icon representing stereotypes and racism

Find out your Stereotypes!

Icon that represents bias, influence by media and stereotype

Check if you are

Person with Iphone doing an Implicit Association Test
For IOS and ANdroid

The Implicit Association Test as an APP

Until now it was only possible to use the Implicit Association Test in the Webbrowser, but now you can test all of your Implicit Associations conveniently in an App.

Screenshot of Implicity App Tutorial for IAT

Multiple different Tests

Wether you are looking for something serious to test yourself for or just something for fun, you will find something fitting!

List of all Implicit Association Tests (IAT)
No data collection

Absolute Privacy and Secure Results

No registration or login required, which is why the results cannot be connected with your name in any way. Unless you actively choose to share them, nobody but you will be able to see it.

Hand holding Implicity App with IAT Test
Lightbulb symbolising easy usage of Implicity

Easy Usage

Guided instructions and clear user interface make it easy to navigate the app and complete the Implicit Association Tests.

Microscope symbolising scientific psychological research basis of Implicity

Based on Science

The Implicit Association Test is based on decades of empirical research, with input from Universities like Harvard, Yale and Cambridge.

Data representing simple result insights of Implicity

Simple Results

The understandable results will give well interpretable insights into the implicit associations and how these can be used.

New Partnership

Implicity is now part of the UvA Law Hub Incubator

Implicity will now work together with the help of the Law hub Startup Incubator of the University of Amsterdam towards the next relevant goals and increase its impact.

Image of the UvA Law Hub Incubator
Quote sign for phrase about Stereotypes and Racism

"We all use Stereotypes all the time, without knowing it.
We have met the enemy of equality, and the enemy is us."

Annie Murphy Paul

Quote Sign for phrases about Stereotypes, Biases and Racism

"It is only through the power of association that those of any callling exercise due influence in their communities."

Elihu Root

Quote Icon for phrases about Stereotypes, Biases and Racism

"Look carefully at the closest associations in your life, for that is the direction you are heading."

Kevin Elkenberry

Recruiter Interviewing Employe with Implicit Association Test to find out internal attitudes

Want to get deeper insight into the attitudes of your job applicants?


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Play Store Emblem to link to Implicit Association Test Android AppApp Store Emblem to link to Implicit Association Test IOS App